Columbus peridontic and impliment center


Forty years woman care

Dental Implants can help you look decades younger, but how?

Do you remember that song, “If I Could Turn Back Time” that Cher sang on top of the Navy ship? Well if you don’t, look it up. She is a prime example of what ageless can look like. However, poor dental hygiene can lead to severe issues causing not only tooth loss, but bone loss as well. This loss of bone can make our faces appear older than they are, even in younger people. While this can cause depression and anxiety, there are solutions. One of those solutions is the anti-aging treatment with dental implants. Dental implants are here to save the day!

Read on to find out how dental implants can improve your smile and reverse the signs of aging. 

Okay great, what is a dental implant?

A dental implant consists of two separate parts. The first part is a titanium rod that is used to replace the root of the tooth and will provide support for a crown that will be placed on top.

The dentist surgically inserts the rod under the gum in the area of the missing tooth. This rod is placed so that it may fuse to the jawbone creating the support to prevent further tooth loss. The second component of a dental implant is a custom-made crown placed on top of the titanium rod. However, before the permanent crown can be attached, the bone must fuse to the jawbone, and a temporary crown is put on while the fusing of bone takes place. Once in place, the implant provides a natural youthful appearance in addition to feeling like a natural tooth. 

Dental implants prevent the “sunken cheek look” associated with tooth loss.

Bone needs daily stimulation to maintain its form and density. Fortunately, teeth stimulate each other all day, every day, performing the many functions they are meant to do and continuously rebuilding. The loss of a tooth suggests a gap in the stimulation, which impacts the volume of your jawbone that contains the tooth sockets. Over time, missing teeth can cause this part of the jawbone (the alveolar bone) to lose width and height. 

The more jawbone you lose, the more compromised the jawbone is, causing the lower portion of a person’s face to begin to drop. Cheeks will become hollow from lack of proper tooth support, and increases the risk of jaw fractures. When back teeth are missing, their essential job of supporting the vertical height of the face is absent, and bite collapse can happen, pushing the front teeth forward. Front teeth aren’t intended to do any supportive jobs or chewing; they are there simply for holding or tearing food. Back teeth are the most common teeth to be lost, whether because of decay or fracture. Typically six-year molars, which are the first adult teeth to erupt in the mouth, are the ones lost most frequently.

Dental implants provide a solution to this problem by mimicking your natural tooth system. 

What is the #1 way dental implants reverse premature signs of aging? 

The answer is simple; dental implants work from the inside out. When you are confident about your smile and not trying to hide your teeth, you feel amazing on the inside. When you feel good, you look good. By repairing missing teeth with dental implants, you can eat the healthy, vitamin-rich food you may skip now because of painful chewing. 

Are you ready to start loving your smile again? 

If so, dental implants may be right for you. Taking the first step toward regaining your dental confidence is the most important step on the road to a better you. In a few short visits, you could have the smile you always wanted or restore yours to its former beautiful state. If you think you may be ready for dental implants, be sure you match the qualifications below.

The ideal candidate for implants must possess the following attributes:

  • Adequate bone support—Because dental implants fuse with the jawbone to anchor the tooth, bone density and quality must be sufficient for implant success. Often children aren’t ideal for implant dentistry because their bones have not sufficiently developed. Options for patients who do not have enough bone support are mini implants or bone grafts.
  • Good overall health—Dental implants require surgery, so it is crucial that you are in excellent health. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or having diabetes can sometimes negatively affect success rates with dental implants. The reason is that these circumstances can adversely affect your oral health, which impairs the healing process of the implant.
  • Healthy Gums—An absolute necessity for supporting the new dental implant while fusion takes place is healthy gums. Clients with a high risk of gum disease often encounter dental implant failure.
  • Commitment to Oral Health—You must be committed to daily brushing and flossing. Excellent oral hygiene is essential to maintaining the health and strength of your natural teeth as well.
  • No Teeth Clenching— This has shown to lower success rates of dental implants.

The best way to determine whether you are a candidate for implant dentistry is to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable dentist who specializes in dental implants. During your meeting, they will discuss whether or not you are an ideal candidate for dental implants. 

Feeling your best from the inside out

We all deserve to look and feel the best that we can. Insecurities from tooth loss can hinder that. Don’t hide behind your missing teeth any longer. Dental implants can repair years of damage and erase the effects of aging. 

Article originally published at

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