Columbus peridontic and impliment center


dental implants changed my life kathys story

Kathy is from Gray, GA and had immediate implants and fixed teeth with dental implants.

What problems were you having with your teeth?

“My teeth were very loose and I was fearful my teeth might come out. I had some bad crowns and my smile just was not what I wanted it to be. I had some pain and it was difficult to chew food. I felt really embarrassed about my teeth. I didn’t smile, I hid my teeth at all times.”

You decided on dentures initially and then decided immediately after to go with dental implants. Why?

“I just couldn’t stand the thought of taking my teeth out, I hated it. I am not a vain woman, but I couldn’t stand looking older. Every time I took out my denture, I looked 20 years older immediately. I decided really quickly, I wanted teeth, I wanted implants.”

What were your biggest concerns?

“Pain and money. I was really afraid it was going to hurt really badly, but there was no pain whatsoever. The money was also a concern, because this was a big investment and there is always that question in the back of your mind, “will it work and look the way I want?” And I have to tell you, it was totally worth the money and I would do it all over again.

How did you pay for your implants?

“I used Greensky patient financing. They made it really easy and I had several options. I could do a one year, two year or three year payment plan. They made it happen for me!”

What was the recovery like?

“Well, I left the day of the procedure with a beautiful smile and was out and about almost immediately smiling. No one could tell I had just had a major oral surgery procedure done.”

How do you feel about your new smile?

“I love it! I really love my smile now! The other day I ran into an old friend and they said, “What is different about you? You look great!” I just replied, “I don’t know . . .” with a big grin on my face. Everyone asks me, “Why are you so happy?” And, it is because I just love my smile, so much. I just love it so much!

Article originally published at

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