Hair recover. Woman with brittle hair

You only get one chance at a first impression, and you need to make it count. First impressions are incredibly important in all facets of life, from our personal relationships to our professional growth and development.

Several studies commissioned by Invisalign over the last few years have shown that of all the physical things people notice in a first impression, teeth are #1. Having straight, healthy looking teeth is the single most noticeable, attractive quality of a person’s appearance, even above eyes, hair and physique. People would generally rather have straight teeth than clear skin, and find those with straight, healthy teeth more attractive than those with crooked teeth.

24% of Americans say that teeth make one of the most lasting impressions — they’ll remember whether someone’s teeth were straight or crooked or missing more than anything else about their appearance. They’re considered more trustworthy, and are more likely to get a second date.

People with straight, attractive teeth are also thought to be more successful. Based on nothing but a photo, almost 50% of participants in the study felt that people with a good set of teeth were more successful, more likely to be employed, and more likely to be wealthy.

And it’s not just how other people think of you. Those with great smiles are more confident more often than those without; and those who have crooked or gappy smiles report that they feel less confident and more self-conscious specifically because of their teeth.

So clearly, it’s considered very important to have a nice smile.

But what if you happen to be missing teeth? The above study was commissioned by Invisalign, and was particularly aimed at crooked teeth. However, the findings still carried over to those with missing teeth and incomplete smiles. Missing teeth in particular are sometimes thought to be a sign of poverty, or even some sort of substance abuse.

How can people correct that?

Using dental implants.

Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Whether the tooth has come out due to injury or illness, having that empty space in the mouth is bad news. A missing tooth doesn’t just look bad — it’s not good for your overall oral health.

Dental implants are the best way to replace a missing tooth. Unlike other dental restorations, they replace a tooth all the way down to the root. This provides unparalleled support and functionality to the patient, along with improved esthetics.

A dental implant is a small screw, typically made of titanium, that gets implanted into the jaw to replace a tooth root. The screw bonds to the jawbone, and a restoration is placed on top. The whole process can take several weeks to a few months, depending on how long it takes for the implant to set in place and whether teeth need to be extracted immediately before implantation.

To replace a single tooth, a single implant is used with a dental crown on top. The two restorative pieces together form a complete artificial tooth that offers the closest look and functionality to a real tooth achievable with modern dentistry.

If you have a gap of a few spaces, one implant can be used to support a dental bridge. A dental bridge is made of several crowns fused together that “bridge” a gap between one tooth and the next. With this, a patient can replace two or three teeth on a single implant, saving money while still achieving maximum results.

What if you’re missing most, or all, of your teeth? Surely that would take a lot of dental implants?

Luckily, no. Through very precise and careful planning, all the teeth on a jaw can be replaced with as few as four dental implants. This is through a restoration known as an implant supported denture, where a traditional denture is anchored in place by dental implants. Implant-supported dentures are excellent in that they don’t fall out at awkward moments, and let patients eat foods they might not be able to with traditional dentures.

Can Anyone Get Dental Implants?

Most adults who are otherwise healthy can get dental implants. Smokers, diabetics, and those with health conditions which make them poor candidates for oral surgery in general are many times still eligible for dental implants, but have a higher risk for complications. Sometimes people don’t have enough volume in their bone to support the implant, either due to disease or because the root has been missing for too long. However, lack of bone can be overcome by bone grafting procedures to allow for an ideal placement of a dental implant.

The best way to find out your eligibility is to visit your dentist for a consultation.

Get The Job, And The Second Date, With Dental Implants

Having missing teeth can prevent you from landing that lucrative job, or spoil your chances with that special someone. Boost your confidence and your success with dental implants. 

Article originally published at

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