portrait of a woman

Nobody thinks their dentures are amazing. 

Anyone with a lower or bottom denture will tell you they just plain don’t fit, no matter how much they cost or how well made they are. 

The anatomy of the jaw and tongue are not conducive to getting something to fit and stay still.

The denture just rides along the ridge and becomes a very annoying, moving target. 

The problem gets worse over time as you lose more and more bone and fairly quickly, those dentures that never fit all that great in the first place, are seriously uncomfortable. 

But what can you do?

You may have heard of dental implants before, but the thought of getting a full arch of teeth replaced with a dental implant one-by-one sounds a liiiittle unrealistic, right? 

But that’s not the only way. 

Dental implants are absolutely the most reliable and effective way to replace missing teeth, but that doesn’t mean every single tooth needs its own implant!

Implant supported dentures are secured to anywhere from 2-6 dental implants, and immediately turn uncomfortable, moving dentures into well-supported, stable teeth.

You can literally eat almost anything you want, speak with confidence, and never have to worry about the embarrassment of your teeth coming loose at a dinner party ever again. 

How does it work?

Oral surgeons have been performing this procedure for a long time. The process is straightforward, predictable and highly successful.

The first step is placing the implants. The upper jaw may only need 2-4. The lower jaw generally requires 4-6.

You’re under localized or general anesthesia the whole time and won’t feel a thing.

Depending on your situation, your permanent crowns may be placed over the top of your implants that very same day – and you’ll walk out of the office with your brand new dentures in place.

In some cases, the implants will need to heal for a few months before your permanent crowns are placed. During that time, you’ll simply wear your original dentures. 

The implants and new dentures will look beautiful, stay in place, and give you back the ability to eat almost anything you want to again. 

Removable vs. Permanent Dentures

Removable Dentures

Removable dentures require 2-6 implants that firmly anchor a full set of dentures in place. A custom-fitted support bar is fixed to the implants and the teeth snap into place using special retention clips.

This style is called an “overdenture” and holds teeth very securely, allowing for very little shifting or movement when you speak or eat.

You’ll easily be able to remove these dentures for cleaning and eating.

Permanent dentures

Permanent dentures are the most stable option, but generally require at least 4-6 implants be placed. Your dentures are affixed to the implants with screws, making them exceptionally secure.

This type of denture won’t be removed for daily cleaning. Instead, you’ll clean around and under the teeth, along your gums. You’ll get the complete experience of permanent teeth, including being able to eat all of the foods you love again. 

The Bottom Line

No matter which option you choose, you’ll finally rid yourself of your current dentures, which are undoubtedly uncomfortable and take away your ability to chew most foods. And you’ll be giving yourself a set of beautiful, comfortable, stable teeth. 

Schedule a consultation with one of our dental implant specialists today!

Article originally published at

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