Happy middle aged woman with messy hair laughing on the beach

Dental implants and the technology around them have come a long way over the last few decades.  

At this point, it’s almost difficult to find a patient that can’t be helped.  

With that in mind, here are some scenarios that may require a few additional considerations outside of the standard surgery.

The most important thing is not to be self conscious. Remember, we’ve pretty much seen it all…

If you have Gum Disease

It’s never a good idea to place implants into gums that are infected.

The implant interacts intimately with your gum tissues and if gums aren’t healthy around your implant from the start, the likelihood of implant failure is high.  

In many cases, gum disease can be treated the same day of the surgery, but in some cases, it may need to be taken care of in advance.

If gum disease has caused you to lose a fair amount of tissue, we may want to do a gum graft. During a gum graft, healthy gum tissue is transplanted into your gums, to support the tissue that’s missing. 

Once we get your gums healthy again, you’ll be ready for your new teeth! 

If you’ve been missing teeth for a while

Losing a tooth or multiple teeth causes you to start losing bone.

Your bone needs the stimulation of a tooth root and if it doesn’t have it, it begins to shrink. The longer you’ve been missing a tooth, the more bone you’ve likely lost.  

If this sounds like you, you’ll most likely need a bone graft.

A bone graft is a surgical procedure that repairs or rebuilds bone through transplantation of bone tissue.  

Like a gum graft, your bone graft may need to be taken care of before your procedure, but in many cases, it can be done the very same day.  

The good news is it’s a fairly simple, outpatient procedure that we perform daily. Read more about bone grafts here

If you need teeth extracted

Having a dead tooth is one of the most common reasons to seek implants.

Some patients just need one extracted, while others come in knowing they’ll need multiple teeth taken out.

We’re often able to take care of extractions and place implants in the very same day.

If you’re a smoker

Smoking increases the risk of dental implant failure by 2-3 times.

We highly recommend that you quit smoking at least through your surgery and healing period and if you want the best chance of long-term success, we recommend you quit altogether.  

But also know that smoking doesn’t at all rule you out as a candidate for dental implants.

If you’re taking medications

It’s important to be completely transparent about any medications you’re taking.

Some medications, like antidepressants, can increase the likelihood of implant failure so you may need some additional follow-ups just to make sure everything is going smoothly.

Even over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements can have an effect, so make sure to include those in your medications list..

Again, this almost never takes you out of candidacy, but could affect the likelihood of success after the fact. 

So, are you a candidate?

The only way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation.

Don’t let the fear of thinking your oral health is too far gone, stop you from getting the dental help you need. Implant technology has come a long way. I’m betting we’ll be able to help you.

Article originally published at

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